A reminder

Orange Hands
2 min readNov 1, 2021

A morning note of encouragement for those who are paving their own path…

As you go about your work today my darling,

remember to allow yourself to play,

remember to be gentle,

remember it’s okay to take it easy.

Embrace the waves of your own energy,

remember that you are an ocean,

amounting to more than any one rise or fall.

Remember to enjoy yourself,

to enjoy this time as your own.

Have fun, enjoy creating, you are doing beautifully!

You are wonderful, you are enough

all you do is enough.

Remember when tension or stress arises to return to your breath.

this too shall pass

Everything that comes up is an opportunity for healing, and darling you are.

Whilst you amble on through your day, tending to tasks, others calls’ and the inner workings of your mind. Remember to look up from your seat and take in the surroundings of this sweet day.

Remember the golden hues of this morning’s light, with its promise of beauty and the spirit of a new day.

Remember what it was like when you were a child, content with a private moment of joy.

Take yourself out for a walk, feel your feet on the earth,

witness how energy cannot help but flow.

Turn your attention inwards and notice the abundance in nature and all around.

Let the sunlight in and let your love shine out.

Invite ease into your step,

resting your weight on the shoulders of the wind. Allow yourself to be, as you are.

Remember there is no greater feat than being yourself.

Remember to be open, to trust, that’s when the magic happens.

Be kind, find solace in the lighthearted moments, be playful to remind yourself of your innocence, tend to your needs, and listen deep.

Honour your gifts by being bold and brave to show all you are inside.

Remember you are enough.

Say it to yourself, I am enough.

You are love. Sing it to yourself, ‘I am love’.

This is your day. Be here now.

At the end of the day that is all there is.

You, this moment and love x



Orange Hands

A journey to find Wellness within. Sharing love, great food, conscious living & creativity > On the path to discover our true self ❤ #Loveturmeric