
Orange Hands
7 min readOct 5, 2021

A clear space for creativity;

A blank page.

white cloud.

the silence between our breaths.

Fresh snow, before footsteps trample its surface in excitement.

Monday mornings.

a new season, a new reason.

sunrise, blue skies.

a blanket of white, scattered with a chocolate dusting,

Cappuccino. Canvas.

A Canvas Coffee Dream.

Good Morning,

I am writing to you from a little coffee shop in Brighton, cappuccino in hand. A canvas to inspire the start of my working day, a new week.

I often begin ‘work’ with a hot cup of coffee in hand.

I feel like somehow the white cloud that is the cap of my favourite coffee, brings a defined newness to the day, a clear slate from which to begin, a blank canvas.

As I direct my gaze to the cloud of oat milk, heated to perfection (an art form in itself) I feel connected to the energy of a new day. I feel as though I am slipping into a favourite and familiar dress, the one that allows me to be my creative self.

Blessing the beginning of a new working day, has become some what of a ritual since I became ‘self-employed’. Local coffee shops have felt like a safe haven for my otherwise solitary work, allowing me to be around others and shift from being in my own space all the time. I welcome the refreshing energy of a different place, filled with different people and of course the fun of finding the new best place for coffee or herbal tea. Allowing for a playful element to enter into my week.

Moving around into different physical spaces can be such a blessing for creativity and productivity when building a business and creating a life for yourself.

My journey inwards has unfolded in the outward expression of making my work and the nature of the working day more aligned with myself. It has been an extension of choosing to paint my canvas with colours that reflect what I really want. I used to envision being able to have work that allowed me to travel, be creative, work with people, enjoy a coffee at 10 am in a vibrant place and go home to cook a healthy lunch. Now slowly and steadily I can see that vision coming to life. Beginning with my morning muse, of coffee and morning pages. ( Julia Cameron, The Artist’s Way )

This ritual offers me a sense of space, calmness and clarity. It’s a reminder to have fun and breathe deep as I begin. Cultivating a feeling that I am where I am and its okay, I am where I need to be, to create the life that I want. Sometimes, it also provides time to procrastinate… but in more mindful moments, time to practice presence.

When I take a step back and take in my surroundings, breathe deeply and set out to work, the fresh possibility of the day can wash over me like a cool draft rushing through a house.

Returning to the sound of my breath, I consider what I’d like to work on today, priorities for the week and how I want it to feel… jotting tasks and plans down on paper. Then letting go of outcome. Knowing that whatever I get done will be enough. what will be will be.

The vision of a clean white canvas arises in my mind.

A day not yet lived, with countless possibilities before me.

How amazing is that?!

Morning walk to work after a windy, storm stricken night.

I feel that the sense of anticipation and magic that we can feel when we are presented with occasions for starting things. Like the discovery and excitement of living in a different area, at new beginnings or in new relationships. But that magic all too often tends to disappear from our consciousness entirely, in the peaks and troughs of everyday living.

How much do you feel excited or empowered by the idea of creating at the start of a new day? How often do we feel like what we are doing is a creative decision ? Do we allow ourselves time to prioritise fun and things that bring us joy.

Having walked away from a structured place of employment, I have dived into this sea of the unknown.

With it comes huge excitement. It also brings waves of uncertainty, fear and insecurity. I can feel daunted rather than excited, scattered rather than empowered. But to be bold and create work for myself ultimately brings me a greater sense of fulfilment and peace. Interestingly things begin to flow a lot easier when i’m not so concerned with what I should be doing, according to others.

With a regular day job, we can also feel overwhelmed or unsatisfied, separated from our own sense of creativity and purpose.

But what if we recognise that wherever we are, what ever we are doing right now, is a choice in some way. That with this choice comes great potential, fun & creativity.

On the blank canvas of today, what do you wish to paint ?

Asking ourselves “if I see this day, this moment, as my own canvas, how do I hope to honour it ? How can my actions and outlook guide me towards creating a vision of my dreams?”

‘Where are the countless possibilities?’ Our minds might rationally interject. Our work and our responsibilities, might seem like they leave little space for creativity.

“Isn’t it hard the way we try to tell ourselves we’ve got limits ” Alone with me, Vance Joy

The truth is, by shifting out mindset for a moment. Letting go of self imposed limitations, we become attuned to the subtleties in our day that provide plenty of agency. Realising that in each moment we can choose how we wish to live.

Taking in the smells, sounds and sights around us,

noticing the nature of our feelings and thoughts,

choosing what to eat and nourish our bodies with,

physically, emotionally, mentally, creatively, energetically,

consciously choosing how we respond and act

… all seemingly little but powerful ways to cultivate a connection to our true nature, as creative beings. By creative I don’t simply mean, artistic, or that we have to be dancers, painters, cooks, writers and photographers. Rather creatives in the way that we craft our lives.

“ If I wait till it feels right, I’ll be waiting my whole life” Like Gold, Vance Joy

( If you need some extra convincing or a mood boost today… then I highly recommend listening to the album Nation of Two by Vance Joy. If you haven’t spotted my subtle quotes from two of the songs, I love this album. Beyond its easy listening vibes and acoustic rhythms, lies some insightful and encouraging lyrics & melodies.) Back to my story…

Remembering that we have choice and possibility in each moment has been one of the most significant realisations for me of late. When I am struggling, disconnected from this feeling of flow and freedom. I return to this simple truth.

Life once again becomes fun and playful.

Stepping into the present moment, feels like hopping into a painted world with Mary Poppins and Burt.

Look at Mabel, a beloved member of my family, aged 11 (that is 77 in dog years) jumping straight in for a roll and a wiggle in the grass, eager and energetic as a pup. Enjoying the autumn as I paused to take a photo of the fallen leaves. Her innocence, love and totally present approach to each day, is a constant source of inspiration.

Autumn, offers time for things to fall away,

inviting us to let go,

turn inwards,

take time to rest.

With changes in light, temperature and weather patterns, our habits, feelings and internal rhythms also shift. So, maybe taking the start of October and Autumn as an opportunity to clear the slate and arrive at a canvas of your own. Something that offers you space & clarity. Time to get creative.

Bringing in nurturing rituals, time for restoration, new recipes and foods to try, returning to an art form or something you love. Prioritising that part of your page that you reserve for what you really want, but never get round to.

C R E A T I V E / R I T U A L / P R O M P T S by ORANGE HANDS (pic)

Fill in that blank space.

Find opportunities to arrive.

Bringing the perspective of life as a canvas, your canvas. With it comes an opportunity for connection, renewal, a sacred space for your self-expression.

Do more of what you love. Be inspired by your own unique energy. Have fun creating your world, my dear.

“We have more possibilities available in each moment than we realise.” Thich Nhat Hanh

Read our part two of the journal Canvas for creative ideas and prompts for ways to return to that feeling of creating your life, bringing in fun, play and rest to your autumnal rhythms.

Wishing you a day of love and creativity.

Kareena x x x x



Orange Hands

A journey to find Wellness within. Sharing love, great food, conscious living & creativity > On the path to discover our true self ❤ #Loveturmeric