A poem written on Christmas Day, for the love that we all seek.

Orange Hands
Jan 18, 2022

Amongst the Christmas lights,

that warm and yellow glow,

I sat in silent peace, for I felt,

that I am home.

In a flicker - a little flash,

a thought within my mind,

I wondered what that feeling was,

one so hard to find.

‘Home is where the heart is’

The Poets, I believe do say !

But what is it for me ?

When I thought it forever gone away.

A space, a place, a look, a smile,

something we think we know,

or could it be within myself,

this lovethat I call home.

‘I have arrived. I am home.’ Mantra for presence by Thich Nhat Hanh

Thank you for reading !

Kareena x



Orange Hands

A journey to find Wellness within. Sharing love, great food, conscious living & creativity > On the path to discover our true self ❤ #Loveturmeric