Infinite love; a whisper within

Orange Hands
2 min readAug 19, 2020

I am who I am

He tells me I am love

I doubt what I know

He tells me breathe,

don’t worry so.

I swallow my fear

He tells me

All is welcome here.

I wander, I wonder, where am I?

He tells me, I will find my answers

I run, I walk, I dance, I cry

He tells me, good!

There’s no need to be shy.

For movement is your medicine, my love

There’s no need to hide.

I am no life saving medic,

no world influencing figure.

So often it seems that I am not enough;

what will I do, to prove my worth?

I, insecure and guarded wonder into the ocean,

carved not out of loss but love, find myself

swimming into the unknown.

He tells me, look at your reflection, see how it glows.

I have lost so much, I confess

He tells me, but you are not lost

my dear.

I ache and shake, I break

Broken I thought I be

“It’s here to heal,” I hear

through the tender breeze…

Shake with fervour, ache fiercely my darling

for you do feel it all. He tells me,

Hold my hand,

I will always be here

Here for the healing.

Say it to yourself; I am love

What is there to be afraid of?

I feel water run off my cheek

from the fountain of my heart.

Offering me a seat,

He tells me that all the joys of life, I am sure to meet

“I strive to be enough!”

He smiles, you already are

Run with your spirit, dear.

Walk with me in your mind.

Dance for love!

Cry for joy.

What is there to be afraid of?

Say it to yourself; I am love!

Whisper it to yourself, I am love!


I reflect

I am an Ocean

Of Love.

This is what I know.

No more fear

to arrest my feelings.

I am here,

for the healing

My tears are welcome,

Free to experience all emotion.

I have found the greatest Joy.

It is I

and I am enough.

Intelligent, beautiful, wise and strong

Open and free as the Ocean and Birdsong.

Who are you?

I am love, I tell him.

Infinite love.

He says to me, I’ve been waiting to hear you say so.

For you, for love.

Kareena Mira x



Orange Hands

A journey to find Wellness within. Sharing love, great food, conscious living & creativity > On the path to discover our true self ❤ #Loveturmeric